Sunday, July 30, 2006

A visit with you

Yes Keira, my g-mail account is broken for some reason. I haven't been able to use it forever. I am still using now though. You can email me there... thanks :)
Wednesday sounds great :) what time are you thinking about coming over?

"Yo Yo Yo!"

Robyn, I keep trying to email you but I get a failure message. Did you close your gmail account? Anyway is Wednesday an okay visit-day? My sister wants me to come into town and see her too, so let me know. Also I would really like to get our Sopranos seasons 1&2 back from you. And you can finally meet Gina! Yay! How are Susan and Adryan and Hailey?

Sammi did you get the kind of eye surgery where you don't need glasses anymore? Was it scary??

We'll get out to the lake one of these days, not sure which one.

Saturday, July 29, 2006

Come to the cabin!

Hellooo everyone....well just a quick post to let u know that samantha is on her holidays out at the cabin aned i'll be out there tonight and all day tomorrow so Keira and Matt and Angelina you should come out...i believe matt and melissa will be out there so make ur way out! hope to see ya there...

Thursday, July 27, 2006

From me too

Hope you had a great time today.

Happy Birthday Melissa!

Wednesday, July 26, 2006


Hiya again
Thanks Keira for the post on how to send pics. It seems so easy. I will try it next time, after I upload the pics from my camera and laptop to this computer.

Keira, after this week I have a week off work (starting on Sunday) so anytime will be good for me that I'm not with my family. We have some family from Ontario down, but other than that, I'm definitely up for hanging out. Sometimes the nights are better for me though. I am staying at my sister's house, we can definitely visit here... do you remember where that is?

Just to remind you, my phone number is 308-4828 :) and my sister's number, where I'll be for a while is 558-3826

Hope to see you soon

Aunty Rob

Wow, that must have been incredibly painful. They certainly have our prayers and positive thoughts. And what a shock, the baby wasn't supposed to come for another 2 months!

Rob, every weekend when we come into town I mean to give you a call but I forget the phone number, or the baby is crying, or something else happens and I say, "crap, I'll have to try again next week!" Anyway we'll be in town a couple of times this weekend. Or, I can drive Matt to work on a weekday or Saturday and visit during the day. What is your schedule like?

To post a picture, you just go to make a post as usual. Along the top of where you are writing, there are a few icons like a b, an i, and a checkmark. The one on the right looks like a picture of a mountain. Just click on that. A popup window will come up and you hit the button that says "browse". Clear as mud? Haha, that's what people used to say when I worked in an office. Anyway I can't wait to see the pictures of tiny Hailey!

Tuesday, July 25, 2006


Hey guys. Things have been hectic and weird for me. My sister (who was only 31 weeks pregnant) had to give birth on the 20th. Has anyone ever heard of "HELLP syndrome"? Well anyway, it's really friggin scary. Wednesday around 2:00pm my sister was having pains at work and kinda got weird chills and cold sweats. Then Adryan came and picked her up and they went to her doctor's office. They took one blood test and rushed her to the ER in Vernon. It was friggin scary. They told her it could either be her gall bladder (in which case they were going to remove it that night) or this syndrome. This syndrome is REALLY rare, but REALLY serious and only occurs in pregnant people. It is very life-threatening, and the only treatment/cure for it is the delivery of the baby. So they did a lot of tests on her and found that it was this syndrome. So they rushed airlifted her to Vancouver and at 1:45 the next day, Hailey was born caesarian. This syndrome made her liver enflamed to a huge degree, made her blood platelet count down to 80 million per litre (supposed to be around 500) and she was bleeding internally. They wanted to wait 48 hours until they delivered the baby because they wanted to give her steriods to make her lungs more developed, but my sister would've died if they waited due to brain hemorraghing... so they delivered her less than 24 hours after my sister started feeling pain.
At first they were really worried about Susan's (my sister) prognosis and we were sorta mourning and praying for her. Then they made the decision to take out Hailey and when they did, they weighed her quickly, just focusing on keeping her alive, and she weighed in at 1 lb. So the doctor's told us her prognosis was pretty bad too. So we basically mourned again. It was really brutal. Then it turns out that they weighed her wrong, she actually weighed 2 lbs 6 oz which is still pretty small, but she is making excellent progress already. She even breathes by herself! She is going to be in an incubator probably for 2 months, and my sister is stuck in bed for like 6 more weeks in the Vancouver Women and Children's hospital.

So in the end it was pretty good, but it was a VERY emotional and brutal weekend. We are still praying and believing and thinking positive thoughts for Hailey and Susan, so please help, in whatever you believe in. Cause they are still not completely out of risk yet. I AM A NEW AUNT ALREADY!!!

I am staying at their house now because my sister and Adryan (her husband) will be in Vancouver for a long time. They have decided to both stay down there the whole time. My sister isn't well enough to make the trip back anyway, so the doctors won't let her. But I just want you guys to know, if you want to hang out, please phone me at 558-3826. That is where I'll be for the next long while. I miss you all!

So I really want to post some pictures of her, but have no idea how. So if someone could please help me, you could see her!

Rollin' Rollin' Rollin'...

Angelina rolled over from her belly to back from the time she was born, and today she rolled over from her back to her belly! In case you didn't know: that's incredible!

From the baby website:
"Your baby may be able to kick himself over, from his tummy to his back, as early as age 2 to 3 months. It may take him until he's about 5 or 6 months to flip from back to front, though, because he needs stronger neck and arm muscles for that maneuver."

A quick message

Hey Everyone,
Congrats to Matt for the job advancement! I am glad to hear Keira, Matt, and Gina will be in the Okanagan for one more year. Keira, I love how you have the perfect Gina expression to go with your postings. The last posting was the best- 'WTF' with the Gina picture.
I love looking at all the updated pictures of everyone. Thanks.
For me...I have been trying not to use the computer too much lately. I had the Laser eye procedure at the end of June, and my eyes get tired after some time. I usually have enough time to open important e-mails, look at my bank statement, and quickly check the blogs. I am starting school in Sept again, but I am going to be in the Business program. I am working towards a degree in Human Resources Management, and yes...that will be another 4 years of school. I'm sure I'll be the oldest grad in my class. I turn '30' this year in Sept, so I'll be 34 while I get into the work force. At least the career is one that I can climb the ladder with experience.
Anyway, I'm going to go and get ready to veg on the beach. We really need to have a poker night sometime soon.

- Sammi

Monday, July 24, 2006


"Hey, WTF?"

I got an email that's a text message from a cellphone. The number started with (250) 686. Was that one of you guys? I would think it was spam, except that it asked when we were going to Alberta and that would be quite a coincidence.

PS Last night we watched the most wicked lightning storm from our patio! M&M said they heard millions of sirens in town, so maybe it struck somewhere?

Sunday, July 23, 2006

Feeling Hot Hot Hot....

Well well well.....keira and matt, CONGRATS on the raise....glad to hear your staying close to home for awhile....even tho i NEVER get to see you guys of these OMG...Angelina is adorable......aint it soooo cute when they smile......i cant get over how much Kaidyn smiles....its great....i'm such an Aunty...hahaha i DONT put her down the minute i see her!!! unless she's sleeping that is....

Keira are you and matt and angelina plannign on coming out to the lake this coming weekend? sam will be out there...i think i'll be out sat night till monday.......gonna stay in my parents 5th wheel cause they are up in quesnel.....but you should come out on sunday if u guys arn't busy...and matt and melissa too! it'd be grand to see everyone!!!

so here's some pics from today out at the cabin......enjoy!!!

Friday, July 21, 2006

The Family Who Cried Wolf

Matt gave his notice at work the other day. We knew that they were going to make him an offer to try and get him to stay, but no way were we going to accept it; nothing could keep us from moving to Calgary!

So the next day the CFO of the company called Matt into his office and asked him, "what would it take to make you think about staying?" Matt said, "a way better job and a buttload more money... then maybe I'd think about it". Those were not his actual words of course. Anyway they offered him a better job title, a way better job that he gets to design(!), a buttload more money, and a bigass raise every 3 months.

Okay, so we're staying just one more year. Matt now has one of the highest ranking positions in accounting. We had been looking forward to buying a house in Calgary this year, but at least when we do it next year we will have a nice downpayment saved up.

So, we're stuck in this shithole town once again but at least we're still closer to all you folks. We're going to look for a place in Armstrong or Oyama or somewhere that is not Vernon but not too far away for Matt to drive. Keep your eyes open for us!

Ang, the photog's name is Matt Boos, not Boone like I thought. He has a website and Lindsay and Joe were very happy with him. Linds said his phone number was 558-4949 but the website lists a 547 number which must be more current. Also this weekend is already booked for us; we'll have to make a different date.

Wholy Moly

Gina looks just like you Keira. Its crazy. the same chin, eyes and little button nose even the shape of her head is the same. I think she has Matts mouth. But WOW. exactly like you.
Wed and Thurs Drew and I rented a Canoe and went to deep cove (Burrard straight) and paddled to Twin Islands. (about 2 hours from take off point) and were followed by a bunch of Seals. they would dart from one side of the boat to the other. always making sure we were watching. then they would stick the heads out of the water to watch us. and they would have these massive whiskers and twich them all around. it was actually amazing. We were the only people out there that could see these seals. and the only ones out there that took the time to notice. Everyone eles was in their speed boats.
We made camp on the smaller of the 2 islands and had it to ourselves all day and all night! we went for a paddle again wed night before bed to watch the sunset and the seals were there again only this time laying on their backs. it was so cute.
The next morn when we woke up we noticed the tide was out. So we walked to where we stored the canoe and relized the tide had gone out a few hunderd meters and that we would have to pack everything and the canoe to the water. it was really hard since the ground would suck you feet. but you couldn't walk barefoot since it was covered with shells. when we finally got to the water we found awsome HUGE starfish with about a million points. I swam out and tried to catch it to we could take a picture of it but when I touched it I got scared. so I took a pic of it from above the water.
but yeah. the pic of just rocks and dirts is a little idea how far the tide went out.. all of those rocks were under the water and we paddled over them and talked about how scary they looked.

Thursday, July 20, 2006

Yay, Smiles!

Good pictures!!!

I love looking at pics! That was a beautifull dress she was wearing for the wedding.

so it sounds like you guy's are calling for company then?? When is Poker night?? Are you guy's doing anything Sat. night??

well, let us know when and we'll try to make it... right now, sat works best for us.

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Our Place

Yep, we're living way up in the Ski Resort at Silver Star. These are some crappy pictures of our beautiful "back yard".

There is so much nature here. There are squirrels and other little critters running around everywhere and deer come right up to the building and on the roads. There are bears too, but we haven't seen any yet. Like I was saying earlier, it's a great place to come and visit. We have spare beds for five people! And when Matt and Melissa move here August 1st they have the same. We have a giant table, great for poker, and there is a giant rec room downstairs complete with lots of couches, a tv, and a full kitchen.

Gina and the Garcias (and Williams')

These are from Leia and Justin's beautiful wedding on July 1 (the other baby is their daughter, Gina's cousin Kailea), plus one oldy-but-goody with Aunty Nicole and cousin Deigan.

Our Life in Pictures

Bill graduated highschool! Here she is in her fancy dress.

The two sweetest little babies in the world! Gina is starting to catch up to Kaidyn size-wise. Length-wise anyway. She is two feet tall; in the 95th percentile for length. I don't think she will ever have the same size head though!

We couldn't go to grandma's 80th birthday bash in Calgary, but she came the next weekend to see the baby.

Gina and Grandpa at his birthday... 82nd I think. Neither one is looking at the camera! It's funny how other people always hold her that weird sideways way.

Two peas in a pod!

A Scary Glance into Kaidyn's Future

I took these way back on Father's day. Gina gave Matt the best Father's day present ever: that was the first time she smiled at him. Now she gives us great big smiles all the time and almost laughs. It's very hard to catch it on a camera though.

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Holy Crap!

It took sooooo long to get the internet here... stupid Telus. Anyway we just got our modem tonight, woohoo! Here are those pictures that I tried to post a few weeks ago. I have lots more (not just baby pics) becuase we've been doing so much stuff. I'll have to talk about it later. I will definately be on here more often now. I just opened my gmail and I have about 100 unread emails... so it will take me a bit of time to get back to y'all. Baby's hungry, gotta jet. I'll be back in the next day or two.

Sunday, July 16, 2006

Woo Hoo Summer Fun!!

Hey's some pics from the cabin today....kaidyn in her cute little beach boat!!!

Friday, July 14, 2006

Keira, Matt, and Angelina

Hello everyone,

As I am sure you all know, Keira and I have successfully moved to Silver Star for the summer. We are currently waiting for our internet to be setup so that Keira can start blogging and posting pictures again.

Everyone is busy and tired but is otherwise doing really well.

We will probably be at Silver Star until October and then we hope to move for a new job.. probably to Calgary. I plan to start applying for jobs in late July for a mid-October start date.

Keira is really looking forward to getting back to the blog

Our new number is 260-1686

Talk to you soon


WOW, Where is everyone???

I am assuming that you have moved or are in between places now, Keira, because your phone number is disconnected.... No one has heard from you down this way... How are you guy's doing? How is Angelina? It would be awesome to see you again! We are trying to see if people are interested in Poker tonight at our house, havn't done that in a long time.

Oh, I was reallly hoping that you were able to find that Photographers email address or phone number... we really need to get one booked, also I was hoping to talk to you about the lady that did your wedding....

Well, hope to see more pics on here soon or at least hear from 'someone' :)

Wednesday, July 12, 2006


Hey there...just a little catch up, maybe it'll get people posting!!!

Not too much new here....just been SUPER DUPER busy at busy i have no time for anything...i'm such a nice person i keep squeezing clients in there by coming in earlier or staying later....gawd i must LOVE my job! hahaha....n e ways havn't heard from most of you in awhile...not sure if keira and matt have the internet up and runnign up there if sooo i imagine they are super duper busy as well.....but drop us a line key and let us know how things are going......hows the baby............all that jazz.........samantha i keep msn'ing you and ur never there.....hows life? excited about Vegas? i wish i woulda known that ANYONE could have gone cause i totally would have....but tis too late time! ur gonna have a blast im jelouse! hows the Man situation sam? well to everyone else keep in touch.....i'm waiting for some pics from this past weekend from melissa while we were out at the cabin so once i get them, i'll post'm....

Take Care!
