Friday, July 21, 2006

The Family Who Cried Wolf

Matt gave his notice at work the other day. We knew that they were going to make him an offer to try and get him to stay, but no way were we going to accept it; nothing could keep us from moving to Calgary!

So the next day the CFO of the company called Matt into his office and asked him, "what would it take to make you think about staying?" Matt said, "a way better job and a buttload more money... then maybe I'd think about it". Those were not his actual words of course. Anyway they offered him a better job title, a way better job that he gets to design(!), a buttload more money, and a bigass raise every 3 months.

Okay, so we're staying just one more year. Matt now has one of the highest ranking positions in accounting. We had been looking forward to buying a house in Calgary this year, but at least when we do it next year we will have a nice downpayment saved up.

So, we're stuck in this shithole town once again but at least we're still closer to all you folks. We're going to look for a place in Armstrong or Oyama or somewhere that is not Vernon but not too far away for Matt to drive. Keep your eyes open for us!

Ang, the photog's name is Matt Boos, not Boone like I thought. He has a website and Lindsay and Joe were very happy with him. Linds said his phone number was 558-4949 but the website lists a 547 number which must be more current. Also this weekend is already booked for us; we'll have to make a different date.

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