Tuesday, July 25, 2006

A quick message

Hey Everyone,
Congrats to Matt for the job advancement! I am glad to hear Keira, Matt, and Gina will be in the Okanagan for one more year. Keira, I love how you have the perfect Gina expression to go with your postings. The last posting was the best- 'WTF' with the Gina picture.
I love looking at all the updated pictures of everyone. Thanks.
For me...I have been trying not to use the computer too much lately. I had the Laser eye procedure at the end of June, and my eyes get tired after some time. I usually have enough time to open important e-mails, look at my bank statement, and quickly check the blogs. I am starting school in Sept again, but I am going to be in the Business program. I am working towards a degree in Human Resources Management, and yes...that will be another 4 years of school. I'm sure I'll be the oldest grad in my class. I turn '30' this year in Sept, so I'll be 34 while I get into the work force. At least the career is one that I can climb the ladder with experience.
Anyway, I'm going to go and get ready to veg on the beach. We really need to have a poker night sometime soon.

- Sammi

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