Friday, August 11, 2006

ha ha ha - laughing is contagious

I LOVE those pics that you just posted. Gina is SO adorable, I just love her. I still haven't posted pictures of Hailey. The pictures got saved in a weird way on my computer, and their names are all screwed up, so when I try to post one picture, another does, it's kinda messed up. So I'm trying to fix that before I do.

Aww, I would've LOVED to have heard her laugh. That is so adorable. What makes her laugh the most?

And ooh, posting on ebay always looks so interesting to me! I would love to do that one day, but I don't really trust people enough to do something like that. I haven't really boughten anything from there either. What do you have posted, Keira?

What is everyone else up to?

:) Robyn

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