Thursday, October 18, 2007

Smarty Pants

I haven't been teaching Angelina her colours becuase I thought she was too young. Then last week we tried asking her for her toys by colour and she picked up the right one every time. Then she picked up a yellow one and said "ya-yo" without being asked. Turns out she can say most of the colours too! And I had no freaking idea.

Seeing her soak up knowledge like she has been makes me so glad that I raise her. She learns so much and I want it to be the right stuff. I take my job very serously, and make sure her days are full and varied. If Angelina was in a daycare she would only go on an outing once a month. We are out most of the time, seeing all different people and places. And at a daycare, no one would be reading to Angelina very much. I think that with seven children for every one adult, if Angelina was in a daycare she would tend to hit and have tantrums, because that's what she would have to do to get attention. Daycares are a good thing for some kids, but not mine.

I keep wanting to go to one of these Tupperware parties. That one is like a week before my due date, so I can't be sure if I can make it, Ang. How is the wedding photography going? I tried to take a picture of the Canada butt, but this is the best I could do so far:

I'll have to try again when she is both wearing the suit and standing still. Good luck to me.

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