Wednesday, October 17, 2007


The jogging suit finally fits!!! She looks sooo cute in it! I love the butt that says CANADA... If we have a girl.... I MEAN.... when we have a little girl,you might have to hand it back down to me... I love it!! :)

Glad to hear you had a good Thanksgiving... We didn't do too much, I photographed a wedding on the saturday, so had turkey dinner there. Bryce went to his Grandmas that night. The next day we had a dinner at my moms house, which I must complain I was an hour 1/2 late for because of some meth head that wanted to jump off the bridge and had drank too much wine... "Kids, a whole bottle of methadone and a whole bottle of wine aren't good for washing down turkey dinner!" So ya, finally got off work and made it for dinner, and then Thanksgiving day, Bryce and I stayed home and watched TV, while he did school work and I worked on getting pictures edited.

What is everyone else up to??? would like to hear from you...

Does anyone want to come to a tupperware party in vernon on Nov.23??? you should come... I know, it sounds boring, I thought that before I went to sammi's on the weekend ("I said BEFORE, Sammi !! :) and then we had soo much fun..and got lots of free stuff. Our Tupperware Lady rocks! I will remind you all closer to the date as well.

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