Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Turkey Days

Yay, thank you Ang. And thanks for the reminder about family, haha. Lucky you, you get to drink wine! How was your turkey day?

Our thanksgiving weekend (1 of 2) was really fun. The first night we got stood up, but that's what happens when you have plans with stoners. My sister came though and we had a good dinner. Sunday was dinner with the Garcias, which is always wild and fun with all the kids. It was also nice to spend time with Matt's sister Nicole, who is the same amount pregnant as me and her son and my daughter just love each other. Angelina follows Deigan around everywhere, even motoring up the stairs, and Deigan gives her lots of hugs and kisses.

This coming weekend some of my mom's family is coming from Calgary and I'm making the turkey dinner for the first time. I figure cooking a turkey can't be that hard, since everybody does it. That's what I used to think about giving birth though. Wow, I just compared giving birth and roasting a turkey.

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