Wednesday, February 06, 2008

I'm alive and well

Well hello everyone. Crazy weather we have been having in Vancouver... Snow, rain, hail, sunshine... god.we are now Living on Main Street and love it.. its so trendy and I can walk for hours on it and window shop. I got a new car.. well actually its a really ols Volvo wagon. But I love her.. though she hates the snow and refuses to take me to work on snow days. Drews mom has cancer and is giving us her car for the time being. This weekend we are breeding Lola with a yorkie!! I"m so excited to have cute little puppies! Also Drew is moving to Ontario for 6 months to train for working for Nav Canada!!!! We are so excited. Hopefully we can land a transfer in Kamloops. I miss it there.
'I have had a couple of job interviews last week and they went really well. I'm wanting to take one at a car dealership here in town. I hope I get it so baddly. I'm sick of nurse aid. To much work with not enough pay.
but yes.. I think that is about it.

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