Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Pudgy and Sweet

Nice to hear from you, Sammi. Stores in small towns are often closed at funny times. I guess there's only one person to run them and they take a slow day off. We should do brunch again. That cafe was great and there are other good places around here too.

The kids are motoring along as usual. That still seems funny to me to say "my kids" and not just "my baby". Anyway Roman is colossal now, and sucks on his finger just like Gina. He's just learning to get it into his mouth, though, so it's pretty funny watching him squish his little fists up into his pudgy face. The other day I heard Gina talking away in the other room... then I looked down and Gina was right beside me; it was Roman who was talking! He never even cries when he's upset, he just hollers. Like, "Excuse me, will someone come pick me up?"

Gina knows new stuff every day. She knows all her letters and the alphabet, she can count like nobody's business, and she says please, thank you, excuse me and bless you completely on her own. She also likes to talk about her day and what we did, and she speaks very grown up, like "Mommy Gina both walk upstairs! Good excercise!" She's doing this funny thing lately where she pushes back her chin, purses her lips and talks in a low voice. I love how funny my kids are.

This morning Gina decided all on her own to read Roman a story.

I've said it before and I'll say it again: I have the best little kids!

Hello there, Mister Turtle

Handsome handsome handsome, just like daddy.

Look at that pudgy chin! Roman is so fricking cute. I just want to squeeze him!

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