Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Ah, Ah, Ah, Ah, Stayin' Alive...

It was Kirsten's birthday on the 8th! Happy 26th, old lady. And happy telescoping! have you used it yet? I can't get that MLS number to work, is the condo still for sale?

Oh yeah, I don't think I ever mentioned moving east again. It's getting kind of complicated with this Ontario company; it looks like either we will stay here for one year and then take that job (that's what Matt's work is pushing and I am dreading) or we will just find something else and go in the fall like we want to. Either way, we do still want to move to Ontario.

It's so good to hear from you guys. Wow Robin, I haven't talked to you in ages! Are you still working at the mental health place? It's in Armstrong, right? Kirsten knows about it becuase her mom worked there.

Remember Linus from the Peanuts (Charlie brown)?

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