Friday, April 04, 2008

Can't believe it's April already!!

Hello Everyone!!
Just thought I'd write a quick note to say hello.....been a busy couple of weeks with work, social life, family, friends etc....sometimes I wish I was a teenager again everything seemed so much easier.
Mine and Lee's road trip was wonderful - if you're on facebook all the photos are on there, I'll try to post some on here soon. Overall the weather was great, cold but good....the roads were all clear, the skies were clear for the driving days. We stopped in a lot of cool towns, saw some cool things (World's largest teepee, largest piggy bank, largest truck). Had a wonderful 4 days visit with my Mom and Bill (step-dad) - 4 days was just enough though hahaha - good news though lee and bill got along marvelously well and his 2nd time meeting mom was just as good as the first. Love it!!

Anywho...I'm at work so I should get working, I'm off to Whistler tonight until Monday afternoon....going away with Lee and his buddy Adam, we rented a cabin and we're going to do some skiing, snowboarding, drinking, playing wii, movie watching etc. Good times for sure!

Hope all is well with everyone - keep blogging!

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