Sunday, April 06, 2008

Little bits of news

Keira thank you so much for visiting with me when I came down. And sorry I couldn't make it back to your place after Costco. I found that I had to barf like crazy after a all to yummy ice cream cone...
But yes, a little new from our way. Drew and I are moving to Kamloops and buying a nice condo. its on MLS in south Kamloops listed at 189900 if you wanted to check it out.
I have some job interviews in Kamloops on the 9th and also will be looking at the condo along with some others as well.
Lola is getting so friggen fat with her puppies ready to pop out in 10 days! I can't wait to see them all.
My pregnancy isn't working very well and i have had an AC check up and the results came back pretty harsh.I wont go into details in case I offend someone. But yes it was apparent from the begining with an ultra sound that showed the babies heart beating at an extra slow pace. And it doesn't help that I have now lost 30 pounds in total in the 5 weeks I have known I was pregnant.
This has been a really hard last couple of days. Besides me and my pregnancy we found that Drews mom is doing really quite badly. Thus the move back to Kamloops to be close to her.
other then those couple of hard things to deal with Life is still staying pretty exciting with Lolas puppies and the new place we buy.
Oh My birthday is on Tuesday and my lovely husband bought me a telescope! I can't wait till I get away from overcast Vancouver to sunny Kamloops so I can use it.
thats it.
hope everyone has a great week

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