Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Hi guys
Wow, so many of you have all this great news to report! For me, it's same old... going to work everyday forever, coming home and making dinner or going out for dinner, doing the dishes, sometimes watching a movie or going out with friends, and then going to bed. Pretty boring life I lead LOL.

So Angela, I saw that you know Sheena from paintballing with all those people. That's cool! I have never been paintballing, but it sounds like you're hardcore and way too good for me to go with! :P

Keira, your kids are adorable! I love them! Are you guys moving away? What have you been up to? Matt is all fancy and formal with his job now. Sounds really cool and interesting!

Well just thought I would check in and catch up with you guys. Have a nice week.

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