Friday, October 03, 2008

Think Think Think

We're back from a whilwind trip. We went to see Oshawa, house-hunt, and go to the zoo and stuff. We had an adventure the last day when we missed our flight home! Fortunately, Westjet has this program where if that happens, you pay $50 per ticket and catch the next flight on standby. The kids, as usual, loved staying in a hotel and Angelina looooved househunting.

Yes, we are moving to Oshawa! March 1st. I would seriously advise any of you to do the same. Seriously, for $250 thousand you can buy a big beautiful new 3- bedroom brick house with a huge patio and yard and grand entranceways and in a fancy award-winning family neighbourhood. No bullshit, we saw them.

We found the neighbourhood we want to live in. It has its own private nature trail and park, and every time we went there the streets were full of kids running around playing with each other outside, something that seems so rare these days. We found a townhouse there that is really great, but it's not quite perfect so we're agonizing over whether to buy it or wait and hope something super comes up in that subdivision in the next few months. Is it worth the risk? What a tough decision!

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