Tuesday, February 15, 2005

One Fine Day

Yesterday Matt and I met one of the most interesting people in this world. His name is Rev. Malcolm Smith. He was a Catholic priest for 30 years, during which time he went all over the world and did amazing things, like preaching with the Pope to an audience of 20,000 and marrying 30 couples at once when he lived in Africa for 8 years. When he was 54 years old, he fell in love with a woman; of course as a Catholic priest this was forbidden. Six years ago he left the Catholic church, married the woman, and now they have a 4-year old son.
Now, he performs weddings for people who don't belong to a church or who want a spiritual wedding outside of the church. He says other ministers will turn couples away, unless they join the church and follow rigid procedures.
We talked to Reverend Smith for a couple hours; he is going to officiate our wedding ceremony. He was glad that we're having a small wedding; there were only 20 people at his (no family!) Also he had some great ideas for the ceremony but wants it to be completely what we want. He was wonderful and kind and we left his house feeling happy, supported and excited.

1 comment:

Bun In The Oven said...

awww that is wonderful. you need someone supportive in this wedding.. someone that isn't your age. I don't know how to explain it. but I think that it is awsome.