Friday, February 18, 2005

Welcome Pinky

Tanya, I'm so glad you finally jumped in! A tip for you, since you just started: read the postings from the bottom up, cause the new ones show up on top. Also, there are comments after most of the postings, click on "comment" to read one or leave one. PS I rescheduled the florist appointment for next Friday at noon and also left a message with another florist that was recommeded to me.

Thanks for the hair ideas; I think I agree that my hair should be curly. If anyone comes across a picture of a nice hairdo please send it my way becuase I have no clue. Tanya and Sam are in on the group appointment, and I never hear from Erin and Bill.

Matt's off school next week, so I'm trying to pack it full of the wedding stuff that he should be in on, like picking a cake. You know, the fun parts. Also we're starting to actually pay for stuff, like the deposit on the location. *cringe*


Bun In The Oven said...

Hurray your paying for stuff! that means your getting so much more close to the actual wedding happening.. and on hair.. what kind of curl were you thinking? I know its not my place to say.. but I think that big natural curls are pretty.. but spiral curls are horrible.. they really are. the bottoms always go frizzy and fall out.. and just remind me of graduation.. actually I think they went out of style way before we graduated... Awww I wanna be there. I hate Manitoba

Sam said...

Hi Girls - Yes I agree with the hair down and big body curls.....I think Erin is the only one with short I correct?
So excited about all this wedding's keeping my mind off all the sucky things going on.