Wednesday, April 05, 2006


I swear that I will never be able to city drive. Today I was going to meet the comunity living supervisir and had an appointment at 4. I left at 2:30 to make sure that I get there ok. IÈm living in Delta and he was in Burnaby (not to far) and yeah.. I ended up at UBC.. NOT in Burnaby. I had to call the guy and get directions and he had to stay on the line with me and I was late for my apointment by 20 min. it was horrible.
But yeah I start my job soon and I am really excited. I met the resident of the house that I will be working at and they are all really neet. They were all born with specual needs and all need help in different ways. Its going to be really challenging and exciting too.
It has been beautiful here for the last couple of days. I am happy since I hate the rain and I hate rain on my glasses. I will be making enough with this job that i can get special contacts for my eyes. I can not believe how much this job pays since I donèt have any formal training. Ièm going to be doubling what I make now at COnvergys. We can afford to have our nifty little scooters. Drew and I are going in at the end of the month to get our motorbike licence and getting scooters that can go highway speeds! no more filling up the car for 50.00! but yeah thats about it.
I will keep in touch

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