Sunday, April 30, 2006

I'm Alive!

Hello Everyone....
Wow, I'm glad to see that everyone has been blogging like crazy...I have to admit that I have been reading the blogs a least once a week just haven't had the time to blog myself until today.
Dave & Nolan - Great to hear from you both!
Melissa - Kaidyn is growing up so fast and is more beautiful than ever!
Key - hey stranger....its been a long time since we talked're huge! haha! Glad to hear that things are still going smoothly and that you'll have little Angelina any day now (my bets are on May 1st). Call me sometime and we'll catch up.
Sammi & Ang - Hey girlies glad to hear things are going good for you both

Nothing really exciting to report with my is extremely busy and life has been really hard for me over the last two weeks (thanks Erin for your support). I'm looking forward to the summer where I can go on holidays and put reality behind me for a few weeks. Anyways I have to make this a short blog I have a ton of errands to do today and it's already 12:45pm.

Best wishes to everyone, keep blogging and staying in touch.

Love Sam.

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