Thursday, April 20, 2006

The Islands, school, the future, and the like

Hey all :)
First off, Sammi, take it from someone who has travelled across Canada a few times, Nova Scotia is the best place in Canada, I thought anyway. BY FAR! It has so much to offer. I'm sure that you have been doing your research and all, but when I have a bit more time starting on Sunday, I will write more about my adventures there. And PEI and Newfoundland are great as well, if you like fresh seafood that is. LOL they LOVE to eat fish and seafood. Almost all restaurants have huge signs for fresh seafood, caught right out the front door!! Quebec is awesome too, if you have ever thought of that trip. But I think the islands are the best choice, it will be so much fun. Who are you thinking of taking that trip with now?

And just to let you know, taking summer classes by distance ed doesn't mean that I can't go travelling. They end in October, and I already have to be back from whatever trip I decide to take by September to go back to school full time anyway. But my trip is going to have to be shortened to a few weeks or a month or something though, cause guess what?! I am starting psychology research in my field starting in May. We are just running through a few research projects, recruiting volunteers (*wink wink, nudge nudge*) and stuff during the summer that lead up to our HUGE psychology research project beginning in Sept and going thruout the school year. This is going to be HUGE for my future career in psych because I am forced to publish 3 psych articles about these findings for psych journals!! YAY!! LOL

I was surprised about Nolan being able to catch up on all this blog news so quickly too.

Any baby yet Keira???

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