Monday, July 16, 2007

Facebook has taken over!!!

Hey Cuz.....hope all is well....i have a semi-solution to the NO BLOGGING issue! lol.....FACEBOOK....i advise you to check it out....its a greater way of sharing pics, chattin with people from ur past and present.....however, i still check yours and meilssa's blog every so often.....cause i LOVE seeing updated pictures!

so...if u get the chance during one of Gina's naps...check it out...

Other then that, things are going good...keeping myself busy with the busy summer season of work....i've been out to the cabin a bunch this summer too...just a good way to relax.....i will be out there again on Sat (28th) staying till sunday (29th) and then again for the Aug long weekend.....hopefully i get a little more time in with Sam and Lee (still havn't met him) this well i hope you and matt and gina can make it out a few times as well cause its always great to catch up!!! How's the pregnancy coming along?? have any belly pics? i saw a picture of Nicole's belly on her facebook site (see u totally have to join) and its super u know what you are having yet?

n e ways take care.....say hi to matt for me...and gina!


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