Sunday, July 22, 2007

Long time no speak


WOW Keira, you have A LOT of exciting news that I did not know about!! I still check this blog about once a week and I never post because honestly I lead a boring life. Especially compared to yours!! WOW a new baby!!! :D are you guys gonna find out the sex before it's born or wait? I know you guys were torn between this last time.

I am still just working at NONA almost full time, which I LOVE btw, and hanging out with the gang, drinking margaritas and so on.

OMG Angelina seems so awesome!! She is sooo big and can do so much it astounds me!!

AND OMG you guys bought a house?!! Awesome! And it's in Winfield! I know how much you really loved it there! I'll have to come and go to the beach with you guys one day :P that's great news to hear!

We all just celebrated Hailey's first bday yesterday! It was so great! I will send you guys pictures on here soon of her and her chocolate cake! She doesn't like to get dirty that much, so she was hesitant at first, but grandma (my mom) helped her out and smeared it around, and then Hailey started to really like it! Before she started to cry a bit :P well anyway, she got TONS of great gifts (and I went WAY overboard) and it was a great time!

I hope all is well with everyone else! And I'll keep reading for news on here! PS. Keira, I'm not a fan of facebook because nothing is private anymore and that really bothers me, but a lot of others are doing it.

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