Monday, July 16, 2007

Party 'til You Drop

Ang and Bryce got married Canada Day weekend. It was a wonderful wedding and Ang looked gorgeous. Anglina had a blast and stayed up all night playing with everybody. Here she is when we finally went home at midnight, ready for bed but still having fun!
She's talking like a maniac now, and learns a new word every day. I told her what a booby was once and now she always points to my chest and says "booby!" Ooops! The other day Angelina was eating lunch and I left the room for a minute. When I came back she was holding a cracker up to her teddy bear's mouth and saying "eat, eat!" She is so awesome.

Yay, thanks for posting Kirsten. Angelina is asleep right now but when she's up I'll call you and make a date! Fun fun!

I will check out that book as soon as I'm finished David Copperfield. It takes me awhile to read a book, I only squeeze in a few pages during Angelina's naps.

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