Thursday, July 19, 2007

Two Wonderful

Yes, in case there's anyone out there who still doesn't know, I am halfway through my second pregnancy! In fact I had my ultrasound today and confirmed that I am more pregnant than I thought. My due date is now December 3rd.

Here is my baby's beautiful face, facing the camera and slightly upward. The top of the head is the left side. The short, thick white straight line is the outline of baby's nose. This looks like Matt's nose, not Angelina's and mine! Eyes are to either side of the top of the nose. The two line things below (to the right of, in this picture) baby's head are the little arms with hands tucked under the chin; this is one of the only pictures of the baby not sucking on fingers!

What a gorgeous creature. Now that I've seen it I can't wait to meet my new baby, snuggle that tiny body and kiss those sweet cheeks.

Angelina is the coolest, funnest, sweetest little buddy we could have and we love her so much it drives us crazy. I can't believe that soon we're going to have two! It's mind-blowing to think how much fun and happiness we'll have. I am so lucky!

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