Tuesday, November 29, 2005

It's Officially Winter in Vancouver!

So this morning - 5:15am - I woke up to 4.5 inches of snow!! and it's still snowing!!

Key & Melissa - You both look so cute with your prego belly! I can't wait to see you both when I come up in February. Keep on posting your updates (keeps me feeling part of everything!)

Key - I'm not backing down on our agreement, I'm just postponing it by a lot. HA HA! Oh my gosh I can't believe you can feel the kicking etc now....that's fabulous!! I wish I was there to see/feel it too!

Sammi - Thanks for taking pics of Keira - they look great! Question - If you're Auntie Sammi...what am I called? Hmmm......

27 days til Christmas! 26 days more to shop! 24 days til I leave for Moms house!

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