Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Jingle All the Way

Ah, the days of splitting Christmas between two families were so nice. Now We have to divide it into three, and this morning I had to endure a big angry crying tantrum about it. The first of many, I expect. Oh, the magic of Christmas.

Other than that this should be a nice season. Last night Melissa and I went shopping and it was really fun. I bought some super cute maternity outfits. We have a fancy dinner Christmas party for Matt's work on Saturday, and then a Christmas/Birthday party on December 17, and they will both be a blast.

So far I have only bought a couple gifts but I know what most of the rest of them are going to be, so shopping should be pretty easy. Someone come shopping with me!

Sammi, you will be aunty Bo. Or Aunty Mimi. How about that?

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