Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Soon to be Winter in the Okanagan!!!

Tis snowing as i type!!! well just a little update on me....ha...

lets see......saturday night...car got broken into AGAIN....thats 2 times in less than a month....nothing was stolen once again, thank god......but shit man.....i've had to pay $500 on friggin vandalism within one month...i'm pissed!!!

i have this nasty cold that doens't seem to be getting better and i hate being sick and cant afford to be sick cause i cant miss work!

keira i'm sooo excited that ur baby kicks! and your belly is mighty cute as well!

sam - are you still goign to mexico for xmas? or are yhou just spending xmas at your moms???

keira and matt - wut are you guys doing for xmas?

i think me and rob are going to salmon arm on xmas eve and staying the night, doing christmas mornign with my family then heading back here to kelowna to do christmas day with his family....the good ol' sharing has come into place! haha nah its not that bad!!

n e ways i'm off to a quick dinner for rob's, brothers birthday then its off to my second job of the day......

keira i still need ur updated mailing address cause i'm planning on getting my xmas cards out next week sometime!! i'm sooo darn organized this year!! hahah

ok talk with you all soon!


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