Friday, November 18, 2005

Just thought I'd write a few things...

Matt and I had a doctor's appointment on Wednesday and our doctor confirmed that everything looks just perfect from the ultrasound we had a couple weeks ago. And we heard little Kaidyn's heartbeat and it was 160!!!! So definitely a girl, if the ol' wive's tale is true.

Kiera you should definitely start taking pic's of your belly and posting them. I don't want to be the only one. I wanna see how you're growing!

Matt has Sat-Tues off, so we could come see your place probably Monday or Tuesday. I can't wait to see it! Oh and there's this really cute little store downtown Vernon, I don't know if you've seen it before. It's a used children's clothing store and they have some really cute stuff. We should go check it out!!!!

Well that's all for me now.

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