Thursday, February 22, 2007


That's funny, I didn't have any trouble switching to the new blogger. I just signed in and there was a button to click on. I just had to sign in with my gmail name and password and now that's what I use to sign in every time.

Angelina has had a massive growth spurt in the last month. She is now in the 25th percentile for weight, so I guess she would have been off-the-charts small a few weeks ago. The doctor said it's just fine, she's just destined to be small. And... she crawls! She just started so she only goes a few feet, but soon she'll be motoring around like a little pro.

That Chinese parade looks so interesting! Oh, I wish we lived in a big city so we could do cool stuff like that. I would take Angelina to museums and the science centre and the zoo. I take her to pet stores here, one per week. She really likes looking at the critters. This spring we'll be going to Van and doing some of that fun big-city stuff like the aquarium. We'll also be introducing Angelina to Dave and to Lisa, and hopefully catching up with Sam and Lee, Kirsten and Drew, and Jess and Jonas.

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