Friday, September 15, 2006

Adorable babies

Here are 2 new pics of Hailey. SHE IS HOME NOW!! Like really home this time! She's doing so well too! She nows weighs 5 lbs 6 oz and growing about 2-3 or more ozs per day. It's so exciting!

OMG Keira, Angelina is sooo adorable. She's one of the most beautiful babies I have ever seen. Her face is so cute - and her expressions as well!

And hmm, in Ontario I think it's legalized to go around topless for women (and obviously men), but I don't know if a lot of people take advantage of that or not.

What is new with all of you? I have just started going back to school, so I'm just getting into the groove of things again - it is insane! Taking a few interesting classes. Did you ever take Children's Literature when you were at OUC in Arts, Keira? It is a lot of work, but it seems so interesting.

I'll talk to you all later,


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