Monday, September 25, 2006

Let it Snow, Let it Snow

Actually it's suddenly become warm and sunny up here. It was like one week of winter interrupting the summer. Angelina was in the snow from the door to the car, and she probably thought "hey, get this wet shit off my face!"

You can use our arbour Ang, and thanks for teaching me what it's called. You will be at least the 4th couple to use it. Matt's coworker has it now and apparently bought a different set of decorations for it, so there are two decorations to choose from now. Ang, did you ever check out the Guisachan House? Melissa wants to know what it costs and I can't remember. I called to ask, but they don't want to just tell you, they want you to come in.

I always thought Children's Lit would be about folklores and traditional stories around the world.

Sam, you'll have to elaborate on the drug smuggling and especially on the new boyfriend!

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