Monday, September 04, 2006

Hey everyone,

WOW, those pictures are amazing from up there Keira!! You guys are super lucky! Keira, now that you and Matt have decided not to move away, where are you going to live if you can't live at the Star? I guess it would be awful having the Matts drive that road every day... eek. Same with Melissa, where are you guys gonna live?

Yeah, Hailey is just so tiny. Now she weighs 4 lbs 9 oz. She is just soooo adorable. I just adore her. She had to get flown to Vancouver again because she developed a hernia and she had to go in for an operation. This was just yesterday, so I haven't heard how it went because when I talked to my sister she hadn't woken up from the anasthetic yet. She is just so precious and innocent, I feel so bad for her having to go thru all this and she's not even a month and a half old yet... Aww thanks for the bathing suit thought! I think that babies might be the only people who can get away with being naked in public (unless you're at a nude beach, or in Ontario) and people will actually smile at them LOL.

Here's more recent pics of Hailey for you all:
She has grown quite a bit

One month old (the rest of the pics)

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