Friday, September 29, 2006

Daddy's Girl

Angelina has quite a strong personality now. She likes everything to be just so and gets very upset if things do not go according to routine or if she is surrounded by unfamiliar people. She is already a very organized, structured person just like her daddy!

She also has a tooth now. I hope she is not taking after her daddy in that regard; he has had 8 extra teeth pulled! They are like a couple of beavers.

M&M say you can see the similarity between Angelina and Matt in this picture.

My little cutie. You can't see it, but she's wearing tiny bunny slippers!

I was reading the girls a story here. They were both laughing a minute before; Melissa caught it on her camera. I have a picture from a few seconds after this, where Kaidyn is poking at Angelina and Angelina is crying. We actually have a lot of pictures like that!

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