Friday, January 26, 2007

Baby Talk

I believe I have until Feb 5th to send the picture, but I'm planning to mail it tomorrow (I haven't decided which one). Here's one last option, and if I use this one I can email it:

What do you think? The winner goes on the cover of Parenting magazine but I'm just hoping they show the picture on the air, just for fun.

Things have been good and bad. I have a wretchedly bad cold (bad) but so far Angelina seems not to have caught it (good). I have to blow my nose about every 15 minutes, and Angelina completely freaks out and cries every single time (bad). We started going to a baby group, and Angelina loves it (good).

New stuff Angelina's starting to do: beeping my nose, covering my eyes and playing peekaboo, pointing at stuff, pulling up to stand, and sort-of waving. Also, recently I asked her for a kiss and she leaned in, mouth wide open, and gave me a big wet one. Nothing is more fun than a baby!

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