Friday, January 05, 2007

lock de-icing story

Hey all,
Right now it is 7am and I have been up for an hour, trying SO hard to get my car doors unlocked. I have tried everything! I even went to 7-11 to get lock de-icer and used practically the whole bottle, and NOTHING. They will not budge! I think it's the mechanism that opens the door, because the locks seem to want to budge, but they just won't! Anyone ever had this problem? And people keep telling me to try hot water, but I think it might make it worse because if it is the mechanism, then I would just be pouring more water for it to freeze into it. Plus, how do you get it into the lock anyway to melt what's under it? ACK!

Anyway, I hope you all had a good New Years. I did stay up until midnight, but I was at the hospital with my mother. Her husband is in there fighting for his life now. With my family, if it's not one thing, it's another. It's friggin insane how much we go through. Anyway, we were at the hospital until about 9pm, then we drove home from Kelowna. When I got home it was 10 and I pretty much just hung out until midnight. Nothing special at all. Sounds like not a lot of people had TOO much fun. But if you did, I'd love to hear about it. I like living vicariously through other people!

See ya around,

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