Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Hi All,

I switched to the new version of blogger, so I think when you go to make a post it will ask you to sign in to the new one. It only takes a sec and the blog will be better and more user-friendly, I think.

The Beautiful Baby contest is on Regis and Kelly. The five top pics get to be on the show and get a pro photo shoot, and the winner gets to be on the cover of Parenting magazine. There are thousands and thousands of pictures sent in and I'm not seriously planning to win this, although of course I think that my baby is the most beautiful creature on the face of this earth. But it's free to enter and they show some of the pictures on the show, so I thought it would be fun to send in a picture. I really like that one that Sam voted for too... I call it "Happy Happy Joy Joy". Is anyone else going to vote?

Angelina's been a busy little bee. She was sick recently for the first time, and that was unpleasant to say the least! She also says "dada" to Matt, which is unbearably sweet! And she is starting to "cruise"- standing up, she will move from one spot to another. There is no doubt in my mind now that she will walk first instead of crawl. Oh yeah, one more thing: she is afraid of the dark! It's amazing how much personality even the smallest babies have. Speaking of small, she is finally starting to grow into 6-month size clothes... she is 8 1/2 months. She's my tiny dancer.

Sam, you and Lee look great! We are planning on coming to Van sometime before the summer for a week. That's all I know; the timing depends on Matt's work. Oh shit... I plan to be working soon too. Okay, maybe just for a weekend after all. Bummer.

What is the taboo sex show, Kirsten, and how did you almost win a trip? I'm confused by that tree picture... those two gigantic circles are a tree trunk? If so, that is astounding!

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