Saturday, December 09, 2006

16 More Sleeps...

...till the merriest Christmas ever, now that we have our little munchkin.

Matt wrote his exam on Tuesday... his final, last-ever CGA exam! All done! No more school! For the first time ever, we will have weekends together. Except for this weekend, 'cause he's at work, and next weekend, 'cause he's in Ontario for work...Well, starting at Christmas we'll have weekends together. Free time; what a strange and wonderful experience that will be!

What's so great about this MAC makeup? I'm not criticizing, I just have no idea. Is it long-wearing?

We saw Thank You for Not Smoking, and it was really good. We saw a preview for kinky boots awhile ago and wanted to see it, so thanks for the reminder Kirsten! Still open to suggestions!

On our way to Matt's work Christmas party
She loves my water bottle
That's aunty Bill's nose
Chillin' with aunty Bill

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