Saturday, December 30, 2006

Happy New Years!

Hi All!
Hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas with their families and friends! All the recent posts are great, especially the ones with the pictures! I love pictures!!
In my world - Christmas went well but was busy - way too many people to see. It wasan interesting experience though, as Lee met almost all my family on my Mom's side......they all love him. What else, Aerosmith & Motley Crue concert was freaking amazing!! I actually cried when I heard Steven Tyler sing Crazy (it's my all time fav song by them and overall) - I didn't sit down the whole concert it seriously went into my imaginary book of all time favourite past-times. On a serious note I finally started corrective measures for my injury and had my first physio appointment yesterday it went well - but from now til who knows I have to go twice a week (at $45 a visit!!!!) I'm hoping it helps me....we also discovered that I have beginning signs of CTS (Carpal Tunnel Syndrome) in my left wrist, this probably was a factor from my arm/shoulder/back injury and also working at a desk all day....thank gosh we found it early. So I'm on the road to recovery - it only took since August!
As for New Years - Lee and I are taking it easy and hanging out with some of his friends - maybe going 4x4ing or something....gosh I feel old!! haha!

Hope everyone is well - keep in touch and All the Best in 2007!

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