Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Merry Christmas everyone!!!

Happy first christmas to both of those little cuties!!!

Well just thought I would get on here and wish you all a great christmas and happy new years seeing it is coming soon and I probably wont get time to write again before then.

We have been great...but really busy... busy at work like usual, a lot of people get depressed during the holidays and then well, there is the snow and the back log in the E.R's..... YEah.... so we park our patients in the hall ways ( AKA- Gordon Campbell wings) and wait... and wait...

things are still chugging along great with the wedding....can't believe how time is flying... only 61/2 more months. WOW!

well happy holidays guy's!!! get drunk on egg nog and rum and have a blast.... I'll be thinking of you!


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