Monday, December 04, 2006

Tis the be naughty.. I mean nice

Hello again,
Oh my gosh those are the cutest cats, awe! I want one so bad but not allowed at my place. Cute names too! Oh and I totally understand the love for MAC - isn't it the best? My friend works there so I get killer deals, has buying it off ebay been good, how do you know the quality you're going to get or if it's been used?? I never thought of buying makeup online.
Key - I love the comparison photographs - the pineapple one especially you can really see how much Gina has grown, she doesn't look like the same little girl I met in the summer. As for movies - I watched Thank you for not smoking and it was really good, could just be my weird taste is some movies though...oh and if any one is looking for a great Christmas music cd - I bought the Il Divo one today and I love it! Totally worth the buy. Anyone else have good recommendations for Christmas CD's?? I only have 2 and that won't last me very long.
I'm doing well, can't wait for the holiday season...and for the Doctors to figure out what's wrong with me. Here's a new pic of Lee and I from 2 weeks ago at a lounge downtown Vancouver.
21 more days!!

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