Sunday, May 15, 2005

Decorating Comittee

Matt will pick up the flowers and bring them, the decorations, the placecards and the seating chart to the hall. Matt knows what the centrepieces look like.

The decorations are mainly the centrepieces and placesettings. The flowers will need to be cut and arranged in the teapots, and there are extra flowers for the cake table, head table, etc. We might also do paper lanterns with stargazers on the patio but that depends on how easy it is to find white paper bags and sand. We will also bring the arch in but not until after the ceremony of course.

I left a message with the conference centre to have the tables set as early as possible becuase the centrepieces can't go up until the tables are set. Hopfully they'll call back with a time tomorrow.

That's all I know, me/matt/ang/kirsten/anyone else? will have to iron this out this week.

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