Sunday, May 15, 2005


I would also like to get a pic of you and me Keira after the cerimony. will that be a problem?
I'm sure me and Ang can handle anything you throw at us. um.. I know what the paper bag lanterns are suposed to look like. I have a couple days off this week. do you want me to get started on them here and then just bring them down?? I have to make some from my wedding anyways. did you want lace around the top or paper doilies? and how many did you want? I could pick up some fancy scissors and cut the top off the bag then add lace. whatever. They are very pretty. I"m sure Michaels has white paper bags there.
Ang what time do you want to meet at??
Keira.. did you ever get a sterio??
did you get one big enough for the reception? if not me and drew have a big one with 5 disk holder so no one needs to take care of music. we also have huge speakers and an amp. it gets really loud.
ok thats it.. make sure you call me tomorrow
ps Ang e-mail me
pps. what the fuck are stargazers?

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