Thursday, May 12, 2005

WooHoo!! Keira & Matt are getting married in 9 days!

Hello Team Sugar!
I want to start off by saying thank you to all the Bridesmaids for helping put on an excellent Bridal shower and turned out amazing! I think we all learned more about each other than we ever expected! A special thank you to Jill and Erin ~ without the two of you things wouldn't have worked so well, thanks!
I can't believe that I will be back in Winfield in 7 days and that the wedding is in 9 days! time flies!
Words of Wisdom/Advice Book - hahaha just wait Key I haven't written my words of wisdom yet......worried aren't you? hahaha.....I will do it on the Thursday I am there.
Key - Sorry to hear that G-pa and Norma won't be attending.....hopefully you hear back from the other 3 or 4 people soon. Did G-pa get his invite? Haven't got mine yet but it normally takes longer to get mail to Vancouver.
Rehearsal Dinner - sounds like you've got everything organized for the Friday night! I'll see everyone at 4:00pm @ North Campus. What are we doing afterwards?
Key & Matt - what is Deigan wearing to the wedding?? Is he the ring barrer(spelt wrong)?

Answering some of Key's Q's-
Where are the ladies getting ready?? Campus/hotel rooms or at Key & matt's house?
If we are getting ready in Winfield can't one of the guys dropped our bouquets there...or have them at the park with the ministers wife....either option might work.
I think Leia's car would be's bigger and has 4 doors so more room to not get our dresses wrinkly......
Song - this for walking down the aisle or your first dance? Are you and matt still learning dance steps?
Ignoring your Mom/Garcia glares - You've got several can glare back and smother your Mom til she thinks you're a freak OR you can hang out with the fun younger people, get drunk and boogie woogie til you can't boogie woogie no more.

Key - that is cool that Dad is giving you the Piano....where are you going to put it? Living room or spare room??? Is it part of your wedding gift? I totally forgot you knew how to childhood memories coming back....

Erin - Have you created your website yet??? If so, what's the addy?

Robyn - Welcome to Blog!

Alrighty that's it for me....see some of you in 7 days...everyone else in 9!

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