Monday, May 16, 2005


Stargazers are the flowers that we're having at the wedding. They are giant, fragrant pink and white lilies. Kirsten I would looooove if you would do the paper lanterns! I can reimburse you for the costs. Can you use tealights in them, or do you need a container around the tealight? Too bad you didn't mention the stereo system before, we're paying a bunch of money to rent one at the reception. For the ceremony Nicole leant us a little one, I haven't tested it for sound yet but yours would definately be better.

As far as pictures by everyone after the ceremony, that's a no-go. We are trying to keep that in-between time as short as possible and that would probably add a lot of time. But what's more important is that the photographer is not taking very many shots and we purposely set things up in a manner that would get the families out of there asap, so they don't start saying "now one of Keira with grandma, now one of Matt with his parents..." etc. If all the friends stay around after the ceremony, then the families will too, and that will be unpleasant. Anyway there will be snacks, wine, and icebreaker games at the reception hall. And we can go outside and snap more pictures at the reception too.

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