Monday, May 16, 2005

lots of help

Hey there is no need to send you mom to help decorate.
there is Matt, Nolan, Ang, Bryce, me and Drew. that is tonnes of people. Ang if worse comes to worse we can get ready in our cars! I dont' want to get a dorm room since we don't have 2 days off. thus dont' want to book for 2 nights. but we are planning a hotel room!
Ang and Bryce you wanna hook up for some lunch before decorating? Get to know each other again since we will be spending most of the night together.. sitting at the friends table and decorating and such.
are the baloons helium? do we need to get them filled? do we have to set the tables? or are the caterers doing that, oh wait is it a buffet?
argh. so yes. really we have an hour to decorate the place and a half hour to get dressed shower off and makeup and shit???

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