Thursday, October 19, 2006

Costumes and needles

Hey guys
I am in class right now, but we're watching a disgusting movie about making "perfect babies" but there are SO many needles shown in it! If anyone doesn't know, that is my almost phobia... of gross needles... ugh, whether they are long or short, I still hate them LOL.

So here I am writing to you guys on my new shiny laptop :)

What are you dressing Gina up as? Are you guys doing trick-or-treating? It's a REALLY good way to show her off! Oooh and of course get yourself a couple pillow cases full of candy! I was thinking about using Hailey for this ;) Did you find any small enough costumes for Hailey at Toadstool, Keira? Thanks so much for looking.

Hailey is over 7 lbs now :D YAY! Hehe... she is still so little. She turns 3 months old tomorrow!!

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