Monday, October 09, 2006

Happy Turkey Day!!

Hello everyone - hope you've all had your share of turkey, smashed potatoes and pumpkin pie this weekend!! Gobble Gobble!
My weekend was great, my mom is in town from Medicine Hat, AB so I got to spend a nice weekend with her and my grandparents...and to top it all off my boyfriend met my mom and grandparents last nigth when he came over for dessert and a drink. It went soo well!! :)
On the topic of boyfriend I have to indulge as Key asked me to.....I'm dating Lee again, this is time #3 and it'd going great!! Seriously I don't have the words to describe the way I feel, we feel or anything. We went away a couple weekend ago to Whistler and it was the best weekend full of surprises, laughter, fun and love. Uggh Key I have to call you with more details...but I don't think I have your number - email it to me.
Great baby pictures everyone - so cute! I love them! I swear I check the blog just to see the updated pictures! LOL. The picture included here is my new niece, Sienna, she's my best friend Leah's daughter who was born on August 28th. I get to meet her for the first time tonight - soo excited!
Hope everyone is doing well! My love to everyone now and always.

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