Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Yummy Yummy

Mama says books are good for me

Chain chain chain

Mmm, Tupperware

Mmm, cereal

I dont' know what it looks like in town, but this place is covered in snow. Good thing we are moving tomorrow!

I could not find a costume or even a hat for Hailey. Has she got one yet? The only thing I could suggest is little headband/wing/tail sets at Shoppers or Claire's.

Needles are my phobia too. That was one small part of the horrors of labour. The nurse fucked up my IV so many times that even she flipped out and had to leave the room. There was also a bloodtest, a freezing needle and a needle in my spine. That's a lot of needles all in a short time. Then more bloodtests the next day in the ER. Anyway I got kinda used to them so now I only slightly hyperventillate when I have to get one! What I'm trying to say is: to get over your fear of needles, have a baby. Just kidding.

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