Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Hey there
Too bad you couldn't come to my birthday festivities Keira. My sister and Adryan were really looking forward to meeting Angelina and and having Angelina meet Hailey! Oh well, it was a lot of fun. Maybe another time we will all be able to get together or something.

I have been SO swamped with school work lately. It is midterm time this week and then first essays in the next couple of weeks. It's tough having 7 classes (2 distance because of my sister's life-threatening pregnancy that I got extensions on). September REALLY did fly by. The entire summer actually. It is insane!

What are you guys all doing for Thanksgiving? Wow, you seem to have a really packed weekend Keira. I have no idea what we are doing yet. It is our Thanksgiving with Greg's family, but they are going away for the long weekend, so now we only have plans to go to Brett and Sheena's (our friends) house in Falkland for dinner. I will have to see what my parents are doing.

PS. Keira, where is your dad moving to? I haven't heard this news.

This is one of the pictures of Hailey from my birthday. Isn't she precious? She weighs 6 lbs 3 oz there. There are less fuzzy pictures on my camera but I haven't uploaded them onto my computer yet. But when I do, I will post them.

I LOVE the pics of Angelina in the laundry basket, they were adorable!! Does she mind when you move her around and pose her in those positions?


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