Wednesday, April 27, 2005

The $800 day

Wow, you bought a condo! That is really cool. Is it in Langley?

Exams finished last week, thank fuck. I've been a lean mean wedding machine since then. Today I got all the gifts done. I also bought some of those little wedding bells and have some crafty ideas. If anyone wants to help, it should be fun.

Then, I was in the Bay and noticed that the dishes and stuff (is that called flatware?) that we registered for were gone. Turns out they have been discontinued. Thank goodness I happened to check!!!! Anyway I had to basically redo the registry. But there's lots of new stuff on it, so please pass it on to anyone who wants to know. And remember, when you buy something from a registry you have to let the cashier know or it will stay on the list.

We'll get the invitations any time and immediately send them out. 23 days till the wedding. PS I bought a punchbowl for my shower, whenever that may be.

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