Saturday, April 02, 2005

The Tuxes

Hello Gentlemen:

As promised, there is the tux info:

We’re getting our tuxes through Moores. I went into Moores in Kelowna and registered our party and picked out the tux style. Because the tux style is already determined, all you need to do is go into your local Moores and get fitted. When you go into Moores, here is what you need to know/remember:
-The group’s name is Garcia/Keough
-The group’s number is 322667

After they collect this information from you, they will measure your arm length, shoe size, chest size etc. They will also have you try on jackets, shoes, and shirts to determine the proper fit. The whole thing will take about ½ an hour. The total cost of the Tux is $75 for the shoes, jacket, shirt..everything. They will want like a $20 deposit from you at the time of fitting.

After they have your information, measurements, and money, Moore will have the tuxes shipped to Kelowna by May 18th. I know you guys (Dave and Nolan will both be here by Thursday, May 19th so we will go to the Kelowna Moores on Thursday to try on the tuxes in case emergency alternations need to be made.

NOTE : You guys need to get measured by about May 1st so Moores has 2 weeks to get the tuxes shipped to Kelowna.

I think that’s about all you need to know. Blog if you have questions


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